Instructions for electronic invoicing

Electronic invoice information:

Likiliike Sodankylä ry
Company ID (Y-tunnus): 3353918-4
Electronic invoice address: 003733539184
Maventa (003721291126)

In exceptional cases, the invoice can be sent on paper:
Likiliike Sodankylä ry
c/o Tiina Vaarala
Puolakkavaarantie 282

Likiliike Gift Card

The Likiliike gift card is used as a payment method in all Likiliike companies. The gift card must be used in one purchase and no refund will be given. It is not possible to buy tobacco or alcohol products with the Likiliike gift card.

Instructions for receiving an electronic gift card can be found here

The amount of the gift card is invoiced from Sodankylä Likiliike.

The invoice must show the number of the gift card being redeemed and clearly marked “Likiliike”.

Likiliike does not pay additional invoicing etc, so don’t add them to the invoice.